Wednesday, January 19, 2011


This was my afternoon. I'm struggling to make sure that I have pictures before dark (i.e. 4pm) because there's so much LESS to work with when I have no control over the light. But this was fun. Freezing, but fun. My toes are still tingly.
p.s. my class today (Cross-Cultural Ethics)? I'm dropping it. I took 7 pages of notes and still had no idea what was going on. There is just no way I can cover all the material they did last semester so I have the background to handle this semester. And it's not very "business-y". Searching for a new class is hard...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous19.1.11

    Oh. I really like this. It looks old fashioned, what with those short shorts on that boy and the editing you did. -m
